wk15 watergate

I believe journalists can learn from watergate that no matter how difficult a story may be that there is always a way to solve it, and also that you must make sure you always have plenty of evidence. For example Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein both did their very best to try and solve watergate even though everyone told them that they should drop the story, imagine what would have happened if they listened to them. Also to make sure their story was solid they double checked all of their information and never stopped following any new leads that were presented before them.

When Carl Bernstein says that “the system worked” he ment that for one time every body did their job like they were supposed to. Such as the Washington Post protecting their reporters and doing their very best to cover the watergate story. Also the government did their part by working together (democrats and republicans) for the good of the country even if it lead to Nixons impeachment.

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